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Match 2, Mar 03, 2023, League Match

Royal Challengers Vlry elected to Bat

Player of The Match
Royal Challengers Vlry Won By 17 Runs
Over 5
7 Runs
4.6 Ashkar Kunji Kannan, Caught W
4.5 Ashkar Kunji Kannan, 6 Runs 6
4.4 Ashkar Kunji Kannan, Dot Ball 0
4.3 Ashkar Rafeeq, 1 Run 1
4.2 Ashkar Rafeeq, Dot Ball 0
4.1 Ashkar Binson, Caught W
Over 4
8 Runs
3.6 Saneesh Kunji Kannan, Dot Ball 0
3.6 Saneesh Kunji Kannan, Dot Ball 0
3.5 Saneesh Husain, Stumped W
3.4 Saneesh Husain, Dot Ball 0
3.3 Saneesh Husain, Dot Ball 0
3.3 Saneesh Husain, Dot Ball 0
3.2 Saneesh Husain, Dot Ball 0
3.1 Saneesh Husain, 6 Runs 6
Over 3
Vinod K
1 Runs
2.6 Vinod K Fajis, Bowled W
2.5 Vinod K Husain, 1 Run 1
2.4 Vinod K Shankaran, Bowled W
2.3 Vinod K Najeev, Bowled W
2.2 Vinod K Vineeth, Bowled W
2.1 Vinod K Vineeth, Dot Ball 0
Over 2
19 Runs
1.6 Sanu Fajis, Dot Ball 0
1.5 Sanu Fajis, 6 Runs 6
1.4 Sanu Fajis, Dot Ball 0
1.3 Sanu Fajis, 6 Runs 6
1.3 Sanu Fajis, Dot Ball 0
1.2 Sanu Fajis, 6 Runs 6
1.1 Sanu Fajis, Dot Ball 0
Over 1
20 Runs
0.6 Katty Vineeth, 6 Runs 6
0.5 Katty Vineeth, 6 Runs 6
0.4 Katty Shafeer, Caught W
0.4 Katty Shafeer, Dot Ball 0
0.3 Katty Shafeer, 6 Runs 6
0.2 Katty Fajis, 1 Run 1
0.1 Katty Fajis, Dot Ball 0

Cricket Match Commentary for the Match Played Between Royal Challengers Vlry and Six Four Vlry