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Match 1, Apr 23, 2023, League Match

Naseer Hospital, Lahore

Sadiq Lions elected to Bowl

Player of The Match
Sadiq Lions Won By 7 Wickets
Over 10
Fida M
18 Runs
9.6 Fida M Baseer, 2 Runs 2
9.5 Fida M Baseer, Dot Ball 0
9.4 Fida M Baseer, 6 Runs 6
9.3 Fida M Baseer, 4 Runs 4
9.2 Fida M Tehsin M, Bowled W
9.1 Fida M Tehsin M, 6 Runs 6
Over 9
Zamer Sadiq €
19 Runs
8.6 Zamer Sadiq € Najeeb Meraj, 2 Runs 2
8.5 Zamer Sadiq € Najeeb Meraj, 4 Runs 4
8.4 Zamer Sadiq € Tehsin M, 1 Run 1
8.4 Zamer Sadiq € Tehsin M, Dot Ball 0
8.3 Zamer Sadiq € Tehsin M, 6 Runs 6
8.2 Zamer Sadiq € Tehsin M, 2 Runs 2
8.1 Zamer Sadiq € Tehsin M, 2 Runs 2
8.1 Zamer Sadiq € Tehsin M, Dot Ball 0
Over 8
Fida M
7 Runs
7.6 Fida M Najeeb Meraj, 2 Runs 2
7.6 Fida M Najeeb Meraj, Dot Ball 0
7.5 Fida M Ashiq, Caught W
7.5 Fida M Ashiq, Dot Ball 0
7.4 Fida M Ashiq, Dot Ball 0
7.3 Fida M Najeeb Meraj, 1 Run 1
7.2 Fida M Ashiq, 1 Run 1
7.1 Fida M Najeeb Meraj, 1 Run 1
Over 7
Zamer Sadiq €
13 Runs
6.6 Zamer Sadiq € Najeeb Meraj, 1 Run 1
6.5 Zamer Sadiq € Najeeb Meraj, 6 Runs 6
6.4 Zamer Sadiq € Ashiq, 1 Run 1
6.4 Zamer Sadiq € Ashiq, Dot Ball 0
6.3 Zamer Sadiq € Najeeb Meraj, 1 Run 1
6.2 Zamer Sadiq € Najeeb Meraj, Dot Ball 0
6.2 Zamer Sadiq € Najeeb Meraj, Dot Ball 0
6.1 Zamer Sadiq € Ashiq, 1 Run 1
6.1 Zamer Sadiq € Ashiq, Dot Ball 0
Over 6
Abdullah Asif
6 Runs
5.6 Abdullah Asif Ashiq, 1 Run 1
5.5 Abdullah Asif Najeeb Meraj, 1 Run 1
5.4 Abdullah Asif Ashiq, 1 Run 1
5.3 Abdullah Asif Najeeb Meraj, 1 Run 1
5.2 Abdullah Asif Ashiq, 1 Run 1
5.1 Abdullah Asif Najeeb Meraj, 1 Run 1
Over 5
30 Runs
4.6 Hameed Najeeb Meraj, 1 Run 1
4.6 Hameed Najeeb Meraj, Dot Ball 0
4.5 Hameed Najeeb Meraj, 4 Runs 4
4.5 Hameed Ashiq, 1 Run 1
4.4 Hameed Najeeb Meraj, 1 Run 1
4.3 Hameed Najeeb Meraj, 6 Runs 6
4.3 Hameed Najeeb Meraj, 4 Runs 4
4.2 Hameed Najeeb Meraj, 6 Runs 6
4.1 Hameed Najeeb Meraj, 4 Runs 4
Over 4
10 Runs
3.6 Javed Ashiq, Dot Ball 0
3.6 Javed Ashiq, Dot Ball 0
3.6 Javed Ashiq, Dot Ball 0
3.6 Javed Ashiq, Dot Ball 0
3.5 Javed Najeeb Meraj, 1 Run 1
3.4 Javed Ashiq, 1 Run 1
3.3 Javed Najeeb Meraj, 1 Run 1
3.2 Javed Najeeb Meraj, Dot Ball 0
3.1 Javed Najeeb Meraj, Dot Ball 0
3.1 Javed Najeeb Meraj, Dot Ball 0
3.1 Javed Najeeb Meraj, Dot Ball 0
3.1 Javed Najeeb Meraj, Dot Ball 0
3.1 Javed Najeeb Meraj, Dot Ball 0
Over 3
Abdullah Asif
12 Runs
2.6 Abdullah Asif Ashiq, Dot Ball 0
2.5 Abdullah Asif Najeeb Meraj, 1 Run 1
2.4 Abdullah Asif Najeeb Meraj, 6 Runs 6
2.3 Abdullah Asif Ashiq, 1 Run 1
2.3 Abdullah Asif Ashiq, Dot Ball 0
2.3 Abdullah Asif Najeeb Meraj, 1 Run 1
2.2 Abdullah Asif Ashiq, 1 Run 1
2.1 Abdullah Asif Ashiq, Dot Ball 0
Over 2
6 Runs
1.6 Hameed Ashiq, 1 Run 1
1.5 Hameed Najeeb Meraj, 1 Run 1
1.4 Hameed Ashiq, 1 Run 1
1.4 Hameed Ashiq, Dot Ball 0
1.3 Hameed Ashiq, Dot Ball 0
1.2 Hameed Najeeb Meraj, 1 Run 1
1.1 Hameed Ashiq, 1 Run 1
Over 1
Abdullah Asif
2 Runs
0.6 Abdullah Asif Najeeb Meraj, Dot Ball 0
0.5 Abdullah Asif Najeeb Meraj, Dot Ball 0
0.5 Abdullah Asif Najeeb Meraj, Dot Ball 0
0.4 Abdullah Asif Najeeb Meraj, Dot Ball 0
0.3 Abdullah Asif Najeeb Meraj, Dot Ball 0
0.2 Abdullah Asif Najeeb Meraj, Dot Ball 0
0.1 Abdullah Asif Ashiq, 1 Run, to Mid-On 1

Cricket Match Commentary for the Match Played Between Kabul Zalmi C T and Sadiq Lions