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Match 14, Apr 03, 2024, Quarter Final

Sohaib Netherland elected to Bat

Player of The Match
Sohaib Netherland won the match
1.3 Fargason Sohaib, 2 Runs 2
1.2 Fargason Sohaib, 3 Runs 3
1.1 Fargason Sohaib, 3 Runs 3
Over 1
18 Runs
0.6 Conway Sohaib, 3 Runs 3
0.5 Conway Sohaib, 3 Runs 3
0.4 Conway Sohaib, 3 Runs 3
0.3 Conway Sohaib, 3 Runs 3
0.2 Conway Sohaib, 3 Runs 3
0.1 Conway Sohaib, 3 Runs, to null 3

Cricket Match Commentary for the Match Played Between Sohaib Netherland and Raiz Boloch West Indies