Sohaib Netherland elected to Bat
1.3 | Fargason Sohaib, 2 Runs | 2 |
1.2 | Fargason Sohaib, 3 Runs | 3 |
1.1 | Fargason Sohaib, 3 Runs | 3 |
Over 1
Conway |
18 Runs
0.6 | Conway Sohaib, 3 Runs | 3 |
0.5 | Conway Sohaib, 3 Runs | 3 |
0.4 | Conway Sohaib, 3 Runs | 3 |
0.3 | Conway Sohaib, 3 Runs | 3 |
0.2 | Conway Sohaib, 3 Runs | 3 |
0.1 | Conway Sohaib, 3 Runs, to null | 3 |