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Match 15, Jun 07, 2024, League Match

AV Turf & Cafe, Indore


Player of The Match
Over 6
6 Runs
5.6 Ahmed Zeeman, Caught & Bowled W
5.5 Ahmed Zeeman, Dot Ball 0
5.4 Ahmed Asif, Caught & Bowled W
5.3 Ahmed Faheem, Caught W
5.2 Ahmed Faheem, Dot Ball 0
5.1 Ahmed Faheem, 6 Runs 6
Over 5
6 Runs
4.6 Shahnawaz Altaf, Caught W
4.6 Shahnawaz Altaf, Dot Ball 0
4.5 Shahnawaz Wasim, Caught W
4.4 Shahnawaz Faheem, 1 Run 1
4.3 Shahnawaz Faheem, Dot Ball 0
4.3 Shahnawaz Faheem, Dot Ball 0
4.2 Shahnawaz Wasim, 1 Run 1
4.1 Shahnawaz Faheem, 1 Run 1
4.1 Shahnawaz Faheem, Dot Ball 0
Over 4
7 Runs
3.6 Salman Wasim, 6 Runs 6
3.5 Salman Arafat, Caught W
3.4 Salman Arafat, Dot Ball 0
3.3 Salman Arafat, Dot Ball 0
3.2 Salman Faheem, 1 Run 1
3.1 Salman Sadaf Ji, Bowled W
Over 3
Imran Chhotu
7 Runs
2.6 Imran Chhotu Arafat, Dot Ball 0
2.5 Imran Chhotu Sadaf Ji, 1 Run 1
2.4 Imran Chhotu Sadaf Ji, Dot Ball 0
2.3 Imran Chhotu Sadaf Ji, Dot Ball 0
2.2 Imran Chhotu Sadaf Ji, Dot Ball 0
2.1 Imran Chhotu Sadaf Ji, 6 Runs 6
Over 2
6 Runs
1.6 Salman Arafat, Dot Ball 0
1.5 Salman Arafat, Dot Ball 0
1.4 Salman Arafat, Dot Ball 0
1.3 Salman Sanif, Caught W
1.2 Salman Sanif, 6 Runs 6
1.1 Salman Sanif, Dot Ball 0
Over 1
10 Runs
0.6 Babar Sadaf Ji, Dot Ball 0
0.5 Babar Sadaf Ji, Dot Ball 0
0.4 Babar Sadaf Ji, 4 Runs 4
0.3 Babar Sadaf Ji, 6 Runs, to Mid-Off 6
0.2 Babar Sadaf Ji, Dot Ball 0
0.1 Babar Sadaf Ji, Dot Ball 0

Cricket Match Commentary for the Match Played Between AADIL CHALLENGERS and 92 Eleven