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Match 9, Nov 30, 2022, League Match

Eagles-Girls elected to Bowl

Eagles-Girls won by 3 wickets
1.3 Diya - 41294253 Chillu 62953137, Bowled W
1.2 Diya - 41294253 Adhil-VC-62801932, Bowled W
1.1 Diya - 41294253 Jamshi-C- 64601471, Bowled W
Over 1
Safa 65633236
14 Runs
0.6 Safa 65633236 Jamshi-C- 64601471, 3 Runs 3
0.5 Safa 65633236 Jamshi-C- 64601471, 3 Runs 3
0.4 Safa 65633236 Renjith - 65667822, Bowled W
0.3 Safa 65633236 Renjith - 65667822, 4 Runs 4
0.2 Safa 65633236 Renjith - 65667822, Dot Ball 0
0.1 Safa 65633236 Renjith - 65667822, 4 Runs 4

Cricket Match Commentary for the Match Played Between Eagles-Girls and Lal Salam